Currently accepting adult bodywork patients for mid-January. Not currently accepting new infant patients for CST

Menstrual cups are awesome! A reusable, 12-hour option for menstrual blood collection that can ease cramps, give you a better understanding of your body and your blood flow, and reduces landfill waste.

But how to choose which one is right for you?! There are some helpful quizzes and support groups out there, but people often have more individualized questions. I have a menstrual cup demo library that can be used to help choose your cup based on size, shape, material, and features. Especially for those who have tried one and haven’t found a good fit, comparing cups in-person can make the odds of success much greater. We also discuss how to evaluate which size or shape cup is best for you, any physical symptoms to consider, and proper placement options. If you already know the basics but need troubleshooting, I’m here for that, too.

Menstrual Cup 101 Zoom Class:

Saturday, May 16th 10:00am

This FREE intro class will go over the basics of choosing and using a menstrual cup. I will show and compare all the different brands and sizes of cups that I have in my menstrual cup demo library. This can be really helpful to get a better sense of what might work for you in terms of size, shape, material, and firmness. Zoom link will be distributed to registered participants.