Currently accepting adult bodywork patients for mid-January. Not currently accepting new infant patients for CST

What is Holistic Bodywork?

Holistic Bodywork describes the combined use of several commonly-taught philosophies and techniques that have the same underlying principles: apply gentle contact with the body’s tissues and then “listen” and follow the body’s movements in order to help the body unwind, create flow, and reduce pain and dysfunction. I combine naturopathic craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation, joint unwinding, myofascial release, and reiki to encompass “holistic bodywork.”

For newborns and infants: craniosacral therapy is often recommended when breastfeeding or bottle-feeding issues arise after birth. Babies with poor latch or who are suspected of having a tongue tie, or have already had a tongue tie revision are great candidates for CST. Additionally, babies with colic, gas, excessive spit-up, limited range of motion, craniosynostosis, and head-shape concerns can greatly benefit from CST.

For children, teens, and adults: CST and holistic bodywork is ideal for post-surgery, pain, digestive complaints, anxiety and depression, fatigue and exhaustion, and scar release.

What is Naturopathic Craniosacral Therapy?

Naturopathic physicians hold Doctorates of Naturopathic Medicine, requiring an extensive amount of training that incorporates standard western medical school with and “complementary/alternative” modalities. When you choose Naturopathic Craniosacral Therapy, you are choosing a practitioner who has been trained in multiple aspects of physical medicine, including spinal manipulation, myofascial release, visceral manipulation… all which comes from the same the root of knowledge shared among Naturopathic Physicians, Oseteopathic Physicians, and Chiropractors.

Defining Features:

In addition to the above, I typically incorporate babywearing with my infant patients, as it allows me to safely use both hands, is biologically and physiologically supportive, and is very comforting for the patient. I also offer supportive naturopathic therapies and education as they come up during sessions.

Bodywork Training:

  • Myofascial Analysis—Bastyr University (Greg Yasuda, ND)

  • Craniosacral Therapy 1 & 2—Bastyr University (Courtney Cusack, ND)

  • Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen—Greg Yasuda, ND

  • Reiki 1—Janna B, LMP Rhea Healing Essentials

  • Advanced Pediatric Craniosacral Therapy—Bek Miremis, OT

  • Untying Ankyloglossia Full Day Lecture—Bobby Ghaheri, MD