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More classes will be listed for the remainder of 2019 and into 2020.. Check back often!
Menstrual Cup 101
Are you thinking about switching from pads and tampons to a menstrual cup but don't know where to begin? With all the different sizes, styles, and brands available, which one is worth your time and money? We will have a fun evening of exploring a variety of demo menstrual cups so you can get a real-life look at the size and materials of different cups. We will also discuss how to tell what cup will be right for your body and your cycle, how to clean and care for cups, and what benefits you may experience by switching to this method. This class is 1 hour and $15 per person.
Saturday, November 2, 2019 : Location TBD
Babywearing 101
How on earth do I tie this long wrap thing? Why doesn't my ring sling feel right? What can I do to make my buckle carrier comfortable? Where do I even start? These are all questions that will be answered in this Babywearing 101 class! Whether you are expecting a child or already have one (or more!), this class is perfect for understanding different types of carriers and how to use them. I'll demonstrate starter carries with a stretchy wrap (like a Moby), a ring sling, a woven wrap, and the basics of a buckle carrier (like the Ergo). We will also go over where to start if you have not yet purchased a carrier, including different resources for purchasing carriers. Questions and personal fit checks are welcome and encouraged! This class is limited so that we can have lots of hands-on time with carriers. Non-mobile babies welcome. I will have newborn and infant sized weighted demo dolls for practice and demonstration. Class is 2.5 hours and located at Ohlson Integrative Health in Mill Creek.
Next class TBD
Babywearing for Healthcare Practitioners
Safe babywearing helps support parental mental health, bonding between parent and baby, breastfeeding goals, functionality of parents, and reduces colic. Set your clients up for improved outcomes for both parent and baby by learning basic safe babywearing with a variety of the most common carriers. Help parents begin practicing while pregnant and how to troubleshoot when baby arrives. You'll also learn how to use woven carriers to support a pregnant belly and as a labor-support tool. This class is appropriate for physicians, midwives, student clinicians, labor and postpartum doulas, massage therapists, chiropractors, and chiropractors to name a few. Class duration is 3 hours, cost is $75 per person.
January 11th, 2020 : Location TBD
Fertility & Cycle Tracking
Based on the Fertility Awareness Method, you will learn how to monitor and observe multiple factors of your body to understand your cycles, ovulation, and fertility. Perfect for those looking to understand their cycles and bodies better, who are looking to conceive, or who are looking to avoid pregnancy. This class is 1 hour and $10 per person.
Next class TBD